When producing large-size sliding doors, dividers and partitioning, tables and bench tops, the risk of warping or bowing is very high.
The so-far unequalled solid wood solution, is triple-core poplar blockboard.
Triple-core blockboard is a special construction with 3-ply of cross-banded blockboard cores, overlaid by poplar veneer or thin HDF.
In comparison to any other kind of wood-based panel, this blockboard, available in the thicknesses between 36 mm and 60 mm, has superior bending strength, the lightness of Italian poplar timber (between 400 and 450 Kg/m3) and high screw-hold ability.
Trade names
Triplecore blockboard, Ecocore, lumber triple core plywood, triple core poplar board, cross-core poplar panel, 5‑ply Poplar Blockboard Panel, Pappeltischlerplatte, Staptischlerplatte, Stabpappelsperrholz, Stabilomassief, panneaux latté peuplier, alistonado de chopo, listellare pioppo tripla anima.

The triple-core poplar blockboard composition is a 5-ply construction. For example in 50 mm:
– about 2 mm poplar veneer cross grain (B)
– about 16 mm blockboard poplar core long grain (A)
– about 14 mm blockboard poplar core short grain (A)
– about 16 mm blockboard poplar core long grain (A)
– about 2 mm poplar veneer cross grain (B)
The poplar face is ideal for veneering. When the board is intended to be painted or laminated, the outer veneer is replaced by a 3 mm thin panel of HDF (high density fiberboard). This panel is called triple-core poplar blockboard + HDF.
And for very special paintings applications, to reduce the consumption (and costs) of paint, the triple-core poplar blockboard + HDF is also available overlaid with a 240 gr/m2 lacquering paper.
Standard sizes
2200×2100 mm
2520×2100 mm
2600×2100 mm
2800×2100 mm
3100×2100 mm
3670×2100 mm
4200×2100 mm
2170×1870 mm
2520×1870 mm (*)
2600×1870 mm
2800×1870 mm (*)
3130×1870 mm
3670×1870 mm (*)
4200×1870 mm
3050×1300 mm
4200×1300 mm
(*) = most common size
36, 38, 40, 44, 50, 60 mm
(thinner thicknesses are available with 3-ply or 5-ply construction)
Special sizes and thicknesses upon request.
Using this product, veneered, laminated or lacquered, the leading Italian designer Mauro Lipparini and furniture manufacturer Misuraemme brought a real innovation in the concept of bookcases with the Crossing product line, a versatile modular system of panels to create wall shelving: the thickness (38 mm) and the bending strength and lightness of poplar blockboard, give the system a stability that allows you to hang the shelf directly on the wall with brackets, creating an unusual “visible lightness“.

Bonding of the faces is made with urea-formaldehyde glue (UF) (formerly called IF20), while the lumber core is bonded with PVAc (D3), in compliance with the provisions of the EN 314 standard.
After suitable treatment in view of resistance to humidity, the board complies to Class 1 requirements for the use of boards in dry environments (EN 636-1).
Class 2 (formerly called AW100 or MR) can also be produced upon request.
Formaldehyde emissions are below those established for Class E1 in conformity with the EN 636 standard. The low-emission class E1 panels do not cause a concentration of equilibrium in the air of the test chamber (defined in the EN 717-1 standard) greater than 0.1 ppm, the limit established by the World Health Organization for living and residential environments.
If you are looking for a reliable supplier of this product or you need more technical information, please contact me using the form on this page.
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I would like to import the products into India and Middle East.