Triple-core poplar blockboard: bending strength and lightness

triple core poplar + HDF

triple core poplar blockboardWhen producing large-size sliding doors, dividers and partitioning, tables and bench tops, the risk of warping or bowing is very high.
The so-far unequalled solid wood solution, is triple-core poplar blockboard.
Triple-core blockboard is a special construction with 3-ply of cross-banded blockboard cores, overlaid by poplar veneer or thin HDF.… Read more...

Multiflex, the flexible and bendable plywood

Multiflex bending plywood

Multiflex is a special kind of plywood which, thanks to its particular composition, has a high flexibility and bend-ability that can be applied on a curved radius.
Multiflex is a very practical solution to produce curved structures, especially when small radii are required.
Multiflex is a unique product for the ease with which it can take any curvature and rounded shapes, including “S” or circular.… Read more...